How You Can Build Credit With Tradelines

How You Can Build Credit With Tradelines

Many of the decisions made concerning large purchases, utility accounts, employment, and housing involve a credit check. It is common for creditworthiness to be a deciding factor in the approval of a rental application or a new credit card account. While many things impact your credit history and credit score, tradelines are used to build […]

What Exactly Is a Credit Score?

What Is a Credit Score?

If you’ve ever tried to rent an apartment or buy a house, take out a loan or open a credit card, chances are you’ve heard about your credit score. Credit even plays a part in which cell phone you can purchase and whether you need to pay a deposit when putting utilities accounts in your […]

How to Get 850 Credit Score?

What makes a Perfect Credit Score?

A credit score is like a report card for how you handle your money. It shows banks and other businesses whether you’re good at paying bills on time. A high score can make it easier to get loans with lower interest rates, which means you pay less over time. Many people aim for a perfect […]

Can Tradelines Help Your Credit?

Credit Tradelines

Are you new to the tradeline industry? If you are, you are probably wondering how tradelines work. You may even be wondering what a tradeline is. This is normal, but you may be surprised to find out the use of tradelines is more common than you think, and they may even be able to help […]

How Do Individual and Overall Credit Utilization Ratios Differ?

Credit Utilization Ratios

Determining your credit score isn’t a very transparent process. Between the proprietary formulas and confusing jargon, it can get frustrating trying to determine the best ways to raise your score. To help you better understand your score, we’re going to discuss credit utilization (an essential part of your credit score), and breakdown the difference between overall and individual utilization.  The Definition of […]

How Much Does Debt Alone Impact Your Credit Score?

Debt Free

There is a lot of confusion in society regarding the amount of debt one carries in relation to one’s credit score. Debt alone won’t impact your credit score as much as your ability to pay it off will. Data shows that most Americans believe having a significant amount of debt will hurt their credit score. […]
