What Is An Updated Tradeline? It’s Just A Simple Update.
When working on building your credit, any new term can pique your curiosity. So, what is an updated tradeline and how will it affect your credit score? Before delving into what an update is, it’s important to define a tradeline. This is just a credit account in your name or that you are authorized to […]
What Are Fragmented, Mixed or Duplicate Credit Files?
For the most part, credit bureaus do a decent job of ensuring they only have one credit report per person. However, sometimes there are often mixed credit files, duplicate credit files, and fragmented credit files. People tend to use the terms interchangeably but there are some differences. Knowing which one describes your specific credit file […]
Why Monitoring Your Credit Is a Great Way To Boost Your Score
To be clear, simply monitoring credit will not cause your credit score to improve. It provides support for the activities that do boost your credit score. Before you start, it’s important to understand the difference between your credit history and credit score. Your history is aggregate data related to your borrowing tendencies. In contrast, your […]
Understanding When Your Credit Score Will Reflect Updated Credit Cards
Your credit score is the gateway to many essential resources in life. Applying for an apartment or mortgage? Whether you get it will likely hinge on your score. Looking to buy a new car? Financing rates will depend on your score. In need of a loan? You might not be approved if your score is […]
How Using Your Credit Card Impacts Your Credit Score
When you got your first credit card, well-meaning family members probably warned you to keep your credit utilization below 30%. You might have even been advised to use 10% as your threshold. This might not make sense when you clearly have access to all the money on your card. What’s the point of a $10,000 […]
Can I Use My Personal Credit Card To Pay for Business Costs?
As a business owner, you have probably heard the advice to keep your personal and business finances separate. This may make sense further down the line, but until you build the business, it may rely on your personal finances to survive. It may not even be eligible for business credit cards. So, is using your […]