How Many Tradelines Do I Need To Buy?
Tradelines are a hotly debated topic that produces many questions: Should you buy one tradeline with a long history, multiple accounts with a low credit limit each, or none at all? When is the best time of the month to buy tradelines? How do tradelines even work, and how do they affect your credit score? […]
Do Tradelines Still Work In 2021?
It’s 2021, and you want to know if your tradelines are legal. What does this mean? In the United States, a tradeline is a credit account that reflects on your credit report. Tradelines are revolving accounts or installment loans like credit cards. A tradeline will show up on your credit report as “Yes” or “No.” […]
Learning and Remedying Common Credit Report Errors
While you may do all you can to improve your credit score, errors may drag it down and dampen your efforts. Coast Tradelines wants to help educate you on common credit score errors and how to respond to them. A single mistake may persist and harm your score for longer than you realize. Prevalent Credit […]
Our Picks for Best Credit Monitoring Services
When it comes to credit monitoring, not all services are created equal. Some companies have built a strong reputation for themselves, but do they deserve it? Are the underdogs better options or should you be cautious of trusting them with your information? These are some of the valid concerns consumers have when trying to decide […]
What Credit Score Do You Need for Student Loans?
Most people will need to take out student loans to pay for college. If you’re new to loans, applying for them can be an intimidating process. Different loans have different requirements, and you may feel unnerved by beginning the experience of adulthood by taking on tens of thousands of dollars of debt. So, if you […]
What Is a Tradeline on a Credit Report
A tradeline is a term used to describe credit accounts by credit reporting agencies. There is a distinct tradeline for each credit account you have, including information about your debt and the creditor. It would be best to familiarize yourself with how tradelines work so you can better understand your credit report and the aspects […]