Authorized User Tradelines Cardholder Program FAQs

Comprehensive overview and answers to frequently asked questions regarding authorized user tradelines.

This program offers individuals the opportunity to become authorized users on established credit accounts, typically belonging to someone with a strong credit history. The FAQs cover various aspects of the program, including eligibility criteria, benefits, risks, and the process of becoming an authorized user. 

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As long as your credit card has no late payments, you’re eligible for our program. Eligible credit cards include those from: Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, Discover, PNC, Sears, HSBC, and Barclays.

Call your credit card company and ask a customer service representative to add an authorized user to that specific card.

The maximum number of authorized users varies for each card and depends on the issuing bank.

Each authorized user will stay on for two months and be removed after remaining on your card for at least 58 days.

Once a month, we send you the names and details of users to add.

Adding and removing users takes two separate 30-minute calls.

Yes! If your referral successfully enrolls, you’ll receive a bonus every month. Many cardholders with referrals earn an extra couple hundred every pay cycle.

Request an initial consultation and see what you could earn.

Earnings & Payment

Your earnings depend on the type of credit cards you enroll and the number of authorized users you add. For example, a credit card with a $5,000 limit will earn $50 to $70 per month.

  • $10k limit = $100 to $130 per month
  • $30k limit = $220 to $250 per month
  • $50k limit = $310 to $360 per month

To get an exact quote for your cards, click here.

After an initial consultation, you can add authorized users immediately and get your cash in just a few weeks.

Your earnings depend on factors like your credit card’s issuing bank, its credit limit, and how long the card has been open.

We will set up a direct deposit with a national bank (i.e. Chase, Citi, Bank of America, or Wells Fargo).

We confirm that your AU order posted for each individual toward the end of the following month and will issue payments by the end of that month.

**Please note that payment will be issued for all AU’s that post, not by how many AU’s were added.

Become a cardholder with us now.

General Questions

Yes. Parents often add dependents to build their credit, and this is exactly the same thing. The only difference is you’re getting paid.

Earnings are taxable and all cardholders in our program will receive a 1099 statement with your year-end total.

Adding an authorized user does not mean you’re authorizing them to use your card.

While authorized users get your credit history added to their credit profile, they cannot access the credit card number, expiration date, name, or 3-digit security code to make purchases. In fact, neither can we, and we will never ask our cardholders to submit that information.

Yes. It’s your card so you will know the names of the authorized users. We provide you a list every month with the information required to add them.

Banks are notorious for high interest payments and charging banking fees. This is your chance to turn the tables and profit from your own hard-earned credit.

There are examples of banks closing a customer’s credit card for adding authorized users, but your perfect payment history will continue to appear on your credit file and your credit score will remain intact.

That said, we always put your comfort first. If a particular credit card being closed would negatively impact your buying power, we suggest that you not enroll that card to our program.

We work on a month-to-month schedule so if you choose to leave the program we ask for a 30-day, advance notice to sort out the authorized users on that card.

Ideally we request our cardholders to keep their monthly balances below 15% of their limit but we understand that circumstances change. If you need to make large purchases (i.e vacations, tuition, wedding funds) kindly give us a 30-day notice, and we’ll stop adding authorized users. You can re-add that card whenever you’re ready.

Adding authorized users does not impact your credit score in any way. It’s simply something the bank notes when you request it. Other than that, you can use your credit card as you normally would.

However, out of an abundance of caution, we recommend that you do NOT add authorized users to your primary card and/or your card with the longest history.

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