How Much Does Debt Alone Impact Your Credit Score?

Debt Free

There is a lot of confusion in society regarding the amount of debt one carries in relation to one’s credit score. Debt alone won’t impact your credit score as much as your ability to pay it off will. Data shows that most Americans believe having a significant amount of debt will hurt their credit score. […]

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Credit Builder Loan?

Credit Builder Loan

Interested in learning how a credit builder loan can help improve your credit score if you’ve lost your job or household income? If you are not yet familiar with credit builder loans, you’re not alone. Here’s a brief guide that the finance team at Coast Tradelines put together to help you understand why they’ve become […]

The Fascinating Story of How Our Credit Bureaus Came To Be

Credit Score Mood

Three main credit bureaus prepare the credit reports of American citizens, residents and workers. However, what we know as credit bureaus today actually began as small organizations in the 1700s. The modern-day credit bureau model represents an improvement on the old way of credit reporting, which included unethical ways of collecting and sharing people’s personal […]

4 Techniques for Improving Your Credit Score Quickly

How To Increase Your Credit Score

There are hacks for everything in life, including improving your credit score. If you are struggling to find the financing you need to purchase a home, car or other expensive item because of your low credit score, there is hope! At Coast Tradelines, we have the hacks you need to improve your credit score fast. […]

Using AU Tradelines to Boost Your Credit Score

Boost Your Credit Score From 360 to 800

If you’ve been trying to purchase a home or a new car, you may have hit a few speed bumps with your credit score. Your lender may be unwilling to loan you the money needed because your credit score is a bit too low. That low credit score is an indication that you’re at high […]

What’s the Difference Between Credit Scores and Credit Reports?

Credit Report vs Credit Score

If you are new to the world of credit or to actively building a positive credit history, you might have lots of questions. One of the most common is the difference between a credit report and a credit score. Credit scores provide a quick snapshot of your credit history in the form of one, three-digit […]
