Understanding When Your Credit Score Will Reflect Updated Credit Cards

boost your credit score

Your credit score is the gateway to many essential resources in life. Applying for an apartment or mortgage? Whether you get it will likely hinge on your score. Looking to buy a new car? Financing rates will depend on your score. In need of a loan? You might not be approved if your score is […]

How Using Your Credit Card Impacts Your Credit Score

credit card impacting your credit score

When you got your first credit card, well-meaning family members probably warned you to keep your credit utilization below 30%. You might have even been advised to use 10% as your threshold. This might not make sense when you clearly have access to all the money on your card. What’s the point of a $10,000 […]

8 Credit Score Myths vs. the Facts You’ll Need To Know

Tradeline Myths

Your credit score can say a lot about your spending history, whether you can be counted on to make payments, and let lenders know that you have built solid credit over a long time. Myths about credit scores abound on the internet and in real life: How do you know what’s true and what’s not, […]

Good Credit Scores Impact More Than Securing Loans

Excellent Credit Score With Coast Tradelines

Lenders view credit scores as an indicator as to how worthy of credit a specific individual is. High credit scores mean the person holding it has had few issues with previous loans or lines of credit. On the other hand, low credit scores are often caused by a lack of credit history or an inability […]

Having a Good Credit Score Is Important for Everyone

Credit Score Concept. Businessman Pulling Scale Changing Credit

Your credit score has a big impact on your ability to take out a personal loan or obtain a line of credit for a new business venture. In addition to determining whether or not you’ll be approved for a loan, your credit score may affect the interest rate attached to it. You may think that […]

Is There A Limit On How Many Tradelines You Can Add?

Excellent Credit Score With Coast Tradelines

Purchasing tradelines is a relatively common practice for those looking to get a boost to their credit score. That’s because when you purchase a tradeline, you’re added as an authorized user for the account. The benefits of that account, such as its age or credit utilization, then impact your credit score, potentially driving it up.  […]
