The Fascinating Story of How Our Credit Bureaus Came To Be

Credit Score Mood

Three main credit bureaus prepare the credit reports of American citizens, residents and workers. However, what we know as credit bureaus today actually began as small organizations in the 1700s. The modern-day credit bureau model represents an improvement on the old way of credit reporting, which included unethical ways of collecting and sharing people’s personal […]

The Truth About Inquiries: How Much Do They Hurt Your Credit Score

Excellent, Good, Fair Credit Score

In this age of technological advances, identity theft and account hacking, it’s more important than ever for people to monitor their credit scores. Banks, businesses, employers, and credit card companies are just some of the other interests that may make inquiries into a person’s credit worthiness. Some credit score inquiries affect your overall credit score, […]

4 Techniques for Improving Your Credit Score Quickly

How To Increase Your Credit Score

There are hacks for everything in life, including improving your credit score. If you are struggling to find the financing you need to purchase a home, car or other expensive item because of your low credit score, there is hope! At Coast Tradelines, we have the hacks you need to improve your credit score fast. […]
